Booking & Payment:
To submit an inquiry about a service, click on the "Inquire" page and complete the form. Once your inquiry is submitted, you will receive an email with a link to schedule a discovery call (mandatory for new clients). After our session is over and we agree to proceed with the project, I will email you the link to book your desired service(s) and give you access to your client portal. In your client portal, you will have the ability to make payments, upload files I may need for your project, and access the files of your project once completed.
Upon confirming your booking, a nonrefundable deposit will be necessary, contributing to your overall balance. If your service total is under $200, your deposit equates to 50% of the purchase. For totals exceeding $200, you can opt to split payments into three installments, with the initial installment serving as your deposit. Feel free to inquire about available payment plans.
Please ensure you adhere to your payment dates. Reminders will be sent as your payment date approaches, and an additional reminder will be sent if your payment is overdue. Should repeated reminders be necessary, a $10 late fee will be added to your invoice. If after two weeks of unresponsiveness, your project is considered terminated. 
The initiation of your design work will only begin once the deposit is paid. You have a 48-hour window, following the signing of the contract and deposit payment, to submit materials, if requested, to complete your project. Failure to submit materials within that window will result in your project being prioritized accordingly.

Turnaround Time:
Turnaround times vary depending on project size, designer workload, and the promptness of material submission. Regular updates on project milestones will be provided. It is advisable to book at least one month in advance. Access to your completed project files will only be granted upon payment of the final invoice, which is issued after the final design is approved and the project is completed.
Design Process:
The design process begins with a discovery call to understand your ideas and expectations. Creation of the initial draft typically spans 3-7 business days, excluding weekends and holidays. Following this, I present an Art approval for your review, accompanied by a brief survey for feedback and edits. You are entitled to three complimentary edits. Any edits beyond the initial three will incur a fee.
Refunds & Dispute Resolution:
Out of respect for my time, refunds are not offered as a policy, but any mistakes will be rectified at no charge. It's important to note that mistake revisions and design revisions are not the same. The goal is to ensure a professional and enjoyable collaboration. In the event of a dispute, the first attempt should be a personal resolution.
Credit & Usage:
As the designer, I reserve the right to full credit for my work and the option to showcase it in my portfolio and business social media. However, if the project has a launch date, I will refrain from featuring it until after that date.
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